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After closing his practice during the pandemic, Dr. James Orrington II, DDS knew safely reopening meant implementing enhanced safety precautions — bringing in advanced equipment and solutions that, together, would prevent infectious disease spread among his staff and patients.
The challenge? What Dr. Orrington wanted for his own practice didn’t exist — so he created it.
Now, months later, AirGuard is being beta tested in countless practices — and that’s helping staff and patients breathe easy.
Why AirGuard?
AirGuard is an easy-to-use solution that is attached to your existing vacuum system, ceiling mount arms or chair mount arms.
With its clear, comfortable barrier and added oral suction, AirGuard curbs aerosol and splatter — and, with it, helps mitigate infectious disease spread.
Equipped with long-range LED spots, AirGuard instantly replaces your dental light. AirGuard also includes a hi-def camera you can record in HD or snap photos for dental records. |
AirGuard MP and XP offer 8x zoom magnification for a clearer view, every time.
High-Tech, High-Performance Solutions
AirGuard™ LT Lightweight, low-cost aerosol guard made from 100% recyclable PETG plastic and designed to fit virtually any vacuum hose.
AirGuard™ MP
Sleek design with a durable polycarbonate aerosol guard and integrated lighting enhances procedures and protects the health of operatory staff.
AirGuard™ XP The most advanced all-in-one aerosol guard made of durable polycarbonate with integrated lighting, magnification and high-def camera that eliminate the need for headlights and loupes.
Now more than ever, the health and safety of your parents and staff must be your top priority — and that starts with AirGuard.
Request a quote from AirGuard today. Together, we’ll outfit your practice with the latest AirGuard technology, and help you curb splatter and improve total office well-being.